"Breath Part 2 - Suicide or Keep Walking"

The matter about humanity always make me interest. I think this topic haven't the end. I always think that life so complicated. God, created human what for? God, make a trouble to human what's the meaning? Is there a kindness from our God? No, I'm not blaming God. But, we have to realize our surrounding. Too much people kill their self, I mean take suicide. 

Do you know? What the biggest thing which make me most afraidness? It is take a suicide. I don't know, maybe every single person has thought about that, but for me, I ever. Sure, even I go to the rooftop and measure how the meter in order to kill direct as when as I fall. And I know, it's crazy thing. 

I'm not declare that I have mental illnes or whatever. But, when nobody in your side, when nothing person who stand in your back, and there are so many problems comes to you, so what will do for you? And I will not say that I have a poor iman (especially for apart who have a trust). 

I often imagine, what's the happen when in this world all human can life without a problem? Stay safe, happiness, healthy, far from sadness, and loving each other. But as often as I think, as often as I get confused. And at the end, I have a conclusion about this is called with "LIFE" . 

Maybe God created us for the feel about how the name of LIFE. Maybe God created problem by problem because He want his slave feel about "LIFE". Maybe God created all matters in order to human can respectfull and regarding for all things. 

Go to hell or go to paradise. For atheism might it's not applicable.  But as a person who believe about God, it's prevail. Because paradise is expensive there are high payment. So, we have to hard struggle and keep walking, just walking. 

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