When I See Him

Disclaimer : sorry for my broken English, I write this without any grammar tools to help me to correcting my words. So, hope you understand.

So, uhm okay. Actually I don't have any desire to write in here. Because February will be end, and this is the last day. So, at the previous I thought I won't make any post on this February. 

But suddenly, after reading some posts from "him" I have an idea to make a relic before I forget that I really adore him. Huh 😌

Adore? Well, I am not sure if I have a feeling into him, but I guess I kinda attach for a little bit 🤏 ? 🤣 No no, not because he's handsome or he's smart 😎 okay, like my ideal type. BUT, that's because I feel like seeing the copy of me in him. 

Well, of course he knows me but our relationship just like a " Seonbae" and "hubae". Yeah between senior and junior. There is no special talk between us exceptional for college life. That's it. 

Then, how can I know more about him? Again I think most of people in here, or you would admit that if you kinda interested in someone you might gonna search everything related to him or her. Right? So, yeah it applies to me too! 😆

Well, I stalked him through SNS and find a lot of maybe his secret? And I got shocked because yeah as I said before, I kinda staring the copy of me. 

His struggle in his life, his loneliness, Idk but I had the same experience towards him. Well even though it just a piece of his life, but I really hope he won't suffering a lot. Because in the past, I was struggle too although right know I'm still too. But, I just don't want him to get more pain and carrying all of his wounds by himself. 

I want to approach him and become his listener, but who's me? I'm just his "hubae" and we are not really close. Should I approach him first? Hhheeyuhh he might gonna think that I fell in love with him 😆

Oh okay, never mind. Whenever I have the chance, if I could, I really want to in his side and support him. 


Btw, today my package was arrived and yeah gonna finish my reading but I have a lot of tasks heyuh 😌

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